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tv   WGN Midday News  CW  July 12, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm CDT

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ask your doctor if lyrica is right for your fibromyalgia pain. a scathing report points the finger at penn state officials and the late joe paterno ... for helping cover-up serial child sex abuse.... and repeatedly concealing facts. good afternoon. i am steve sanders. and i'm dina bair. we welcome our viewers who are watching us around the country on wgn america and on the web. cnn's elizabeth corridan has more on our top story. it's another blow to penn state
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as the report went public ... >>these said and sobering findings prove total disregard for the welfare of these victims by the most senior leaders of penn state university the most powerful men there failed to take any steps for 14 years to protect the children sandusky victimized ... >>the former vice president and university president singled out along with the athletic director and joe paterno himself ... they've covered up the sandusky activities from leadership of the university and displayed asapa blatant disregard for the welfare of those victims ... the penn state community is
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looking forward to moving beyond the scandal >>we don't want to let this define us or the actions of those individuals to finance >>dozens of charges against jerry sandusky for abusing young boys over 15 year-old. of time has him in jail ... the paterno family has released a statement through a spokesman .... saying it appreciates "the effort that was put into the investigation." and while acknowledging that paterno "made mistakes and regretted them" ... the family says he "did not know jerry sandusky was a child predator." foreclosures are on the rise once again.. jumping nine- percent in the second quarter. more than one million homes across the country had forclosure filings during the first six months of 2012... up two percent from the previous six months. 20 states, including illinois, saw a year-over-year increase in the number of filings. in illinois nearly 7,000 homes in seven-chicago area counties began the foreclosure process in june. that's a 27 percent increase over last year. speaking of vacant buildings a
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new crime-fighting strategy is underway right now in chicago. the target: 12 vacant buildings at the center of gang activity. julian crews is live at 71st and rhodes with details. >>residents say this has been a long time coming. problems here these abandoned buildings. demolition is underway right now this is not a new concept mayor richard m. daley was a big proponent of tearing down vacant buildings that became crime maggots ... and now mayor emanuel wants to step up that effort where landlords have abandoned such property ... >>the first of two buildings to come down today near 71st and roads and other dozens of
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buildings will meet the wrecking ball across the city ... these are community eyesores according to the mayor and have become magnets for drug and crime activity affecting the entire neighborhoods ... citywide crime might be down in some statistical records but many neighborhoods across the city have seen new waves of shooting and gang violence ... the madea's think this is a good strategy? >>yes because lots of people getting hurt by what happens in these abandoned homes ... it's a good strategy but it needs someone to monitor or assess which houses get torn down >>there could be close to 10,000 abandoned buildings across the city how many have passed the
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point of no return in terms of the amount of deterioration that total number is not clear but the mayor says he wants to tear it down at least 100 for now ... he took bullets for a friend. a 13-year-old boy is shot and wounded overnight in chicago while trying to protect a young girl. sinai hospital with the story. nancy? >>the 13 year-old victim is expected to recover but he may require surgery. police investigate the shooting ... one of its eight last night. the 13 year-old boy was shot 930 last night on the front porch of this home on the 2400 block of west 47th place he was with his 14 year-old friend this morning she
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described that terrifying experience. the boy was left with bullet wounds to the arms that have stunned the chest he stood up when the gunfire erupted in order to shield his young friend ... >>we heard these guys shooting natomas i'm still shaking and i don't even want to leave my house ... >>they are like brother and sister typically they sit on the front porch and speak to each other every night ... i don't know why this happened. he is not involved with any gang sees a good boy he just graduated last month ... he will begin his freshman year at the phoenix military academy
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... >>five teenagers were hurt last night as part of a violent summer so far none of the victims have been killed but according to the city but the murder rate is up 259 people have been killed in the first six months of this year police note that the majority of shootings are gang-related and that may also apply to the gunman in this case all the friends and family insist that it does not apply to this young victim who is recovering outside mount sinai and nancy loo headlines about violent crime in chicago this summer are worrying the city's tourism board... but mayor emanuel disagrees. don welsh, president of "choose chicago", says his office has been getting calls with questions about rising murder rates and mob attacks by youths on michigan avenue. welsh told the tribune's editorial board, the city won't be able to attract more conventions and tourism, unless the problems are solved soon. but he backtracked a bit, after the mayor's office said more
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and more people are coming to chicago... and they understand these incidents are isolated to gangs. chicago police have also put more officers on patrol along the mag mile. next: a kayaker's close encounter with a great white shark .... also ahead: tragedy in the french alps... an avalanche barrels down on climbers killing several while others remain missing. evidence in the second degree zimmerman. and: reaction after jesse jackson junior's doctors reveal the congressman is being treated [ female announcer ] with swiffer wet cleaning better doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm gonna...use these. ♪ give me
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just a little more time ♪ [ female announcer ] unlike mops, swiffer can maneuver into tight spaces and its wet mopping cloths can clean better in half the time. mom? ♪ ♪ ahhhh! ahhhh! no it's mommy! [ female announcer ] swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] with swiffer wetjet cleaning better, doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm going to... drink this... on the porch! ♪ give me just a little more
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time ♪ [ female announcer ] mops can be a hassle but swiffer wetjet's spray cleaner and absorbent pads can clean better in half the time so you don't miss a thing. swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back. and for dry messes big and small try swiffer sweeper vac. i stepped on the machine, and it showed me the pressure points on my feet and exactly where i needed more support. i had tired, achy feet. until i got my number. my dr. scholl's custom fit orthotics number.
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now i'm a believer. you'll be a believer, too. learn where to find your number at [ crack of bat ] ball. ball. [ crack of bat ] [ male announcer ] hanging out with cal has its benefits... so does taking one a day men's. go to to enter for a chance to meet me and watch the 2013 mlb all star game. congressman jesse jackson is still out of the public eye ... while questions remain about his health. the congressmen's staff says he's being treated for a mood disorder .... but as wgn's tonya francisco reports ... his constituents want more answers. >>as has been over a month since the congressman when on medical leave but it was yesterday it was revealed why he has a mood disorder it's a vague description of his elements in its left constituents with more questions than answers ... >>the day after he won the primary earlier this year he was out thinking people shaking
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hands off today some constituents are shaking their heads wondering where he is now. >>i have conflicting feelings i think we need to leave him alone for the sake of his family and their children but also we have a right to know elections are coming up pretty soon >>so far he said the suffering from a mood disorder common but undiagnosed that can range from the blues to manic depressive ness or suicidal tendencies ... >>treatment can be very effective i can't wait to go back to work >>the lack of information about the congressman's condition is in stark contrast to the free flow of information about the condition of mark kirk the senator who suffered the stroke this year ...
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privacy laws allow disclosure of physical conditions to be up to the patient ... >>we hope he has the appropriate evaluation that is able to share with constituents ... >>since he first went on medical leave june 10th updates have been few and far between and he has missed 90 roll call votes >>the family would be advised to give his constituents as much information on his condition as is appropriate ... yesterday his father jesse jackson ditched or photographers and reporters questions by leading the naacp rainbow push conference outside the kitchen exit of the hotel
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>>there's no word on where the congressman is but he is being treated at a " residential facility " florida's state attorney releases an f-b-i report on the controversial death of trayvon george zimmerman shot and killed martin during his shift as a neighborhood watch volunteer. zimmerman claims he acted in self-defense, while martin's family argues he racially- profiled the teen. in today's 284 page report, it shows zimmerman called police six times to tell them about criminal behavior and safety issues ... leading up to the incident with martin. four calls were about black men he saw following break-ins... describing them as suspicious. at least nine mountain climbers were killed in an avalanche in the french alps today... four more are still missing. nine other climbers were also injured. a total of 28 people were caught in it. they had climbed more than 13- thousand feet up on the mountain when the avalanche struck. the climbers came from france,
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switzerland, serbia, germany and spain. the peak they were climbing is called "cursed mountain." rescue operations are continuing. the palestinian president is giving permission to exhume the remains of yasser arafat, to see if he was poisoned. arafat died in 2004, but doctors never found a cause of death. on monday, a swiss institute reported it found traces of a radioactive substance on his belongings. the institute says it won't know if arafat was poisoned, until it examines his remains. palestinian president mahmoud abbas says he will allow an autopsy. arafat's widow now plans to file a lawsuit seeking an investigation into the death of her husband. two australian divers got much more than they bargained for during a recent spear fishing expedition. a 12-foot great white shark began circling the pair ten minutes after they dove in the water saturday, in western australia. the two had little to defend themselves beyond a knife and their spearguns. the shark circled them three times. they managed to keep it at bay while they inched back to their boat. the fishermen say climbing out of the water never felt so good.
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coming up next: united airlines places a 14- billion dollar order with boeing. and later in lunchbreak: we're learning two light and healthy middle eastern recipes.
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2 chicago based aviation giants making a huge deal today ... united continental has ordered a boeing jet deal worth millions
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... and delta airlines has been fined for ignoring maintenance issues onto planes ... a delta spokeswoman said that the airline never operated the plane's unsafely ... yahoo is investigating a security breach on its web site ... hackers claim to have taken passwords from a year of the server there is no confirmation on the breach or the passwords specifically ... chrysler ford and nissan are keeping more plants than normal opened this time of year to meet demand that is boosting the unemployment numbers ...
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it's another week day across the board for stocks ... low corporate earnings are the culprit this time ... apple is getting the boot out of san francisco ... the city said it will no longer be buying apple computer's the decision comes after apple pulled all 39 of its computers from the electronic product environmental assessment tool registration the latest mac book pro is not environmentally friendly because its radnor display is difficult to recycle only about 1 or 2% of the city's computers are mcintosh ... one of the world's greatest rock and roll bands marks its 50th anniversary catch it was 50 years could today that the rolling stones performed their very first show
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they are still going strong they are planning another concert tour next year and new book called " rolling stones 50 " is being released to commemorate the anniversary and a new documentary on the band is due out in november coming up next: we will tell you what caused an american airlines flight to make an emergency landing for a second time this week plus the vice- president joe not once in my life did i ever think i would have heart disease. she just didn't fit the profile of a heart event victim. she's healthy, she eats properly. i was pushing my two kids in a stroller when i had my heart event. i've been on a bayer aspirin regimen ever since. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone. so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i know if i take my bayer aspirin i have a better chance of living a healthy life. [ male announcer
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] learn how to protect your heart at i am proheart on facebook.
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for mitt romney tonight. the $30,000 per couple fund-raiser at the dick cheney home outside of jackson wyoming will follow a reception at a nearby country club for the events are expected to raise more than $2 million for the romney presidential campaign mitt romney has occasionally voiced admiration for the former vice-president advisers say that the mitt romney relationship with the former vice-president is cordial but not particularly close. mitt romney spoke at the naacp convention yesterday and today it is the obama administration time vice-president joe biden delivered the keynote address
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today before the nation's largest civil rights organization terraform lot joe biden defended the obama decision to pass that ... >>he was right! >>the president could not attend to the naacp convention but he appeared on video with a message for those delegates ... once again the u.s. house of representatives voted to repeal the president obama's healthcare reform law but it probably will not go any farther house members voted 244-185 yesterday to repeal the patient protection and affordable care act the vote was mostly along party lines and republicans say that the majority of americans are not in favor of the law and that it
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fails to curb skyrocketing health-care costs if the legislation to repeal the affordable care act is expected to die in the democratic controlled senate this summer's drought has prompted the government to issue disaster declarations in 26 states including illinois. the u.s. department of agriculture named more than 1000 counties natural disaster areas as drought grips the midwest is the biggest such declaration ever several counties in northern illinois and benton county indiana are under severe drought conditions farmers affected by weather conditions are eligible for low-interest loans to help them recover an american airlines plane with 147 people on board had to make an emergency landing in miami the plane was experiencing pressurization problems emergency crews waited on the runway as the plane approached the pilot was able to land the
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plane safely no injuries were reported flight #1585 was on its way from fort lauderdale to l.a. it was a terrifying 15 seconds for passengers on an american flight from aruba to miami on tuesday about a dozen people were injured when a unexpected severe turbulence ship the plane about 30 minutes outside of miami three people were taken to hospital for treatment airline officials say there was nothing on the radar to indicate turbulence in that area according to the faa 64 people have been injured by turbulence in the you know what i love about
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this country? trick question. i love everything about this country! including prilosec otc. you know one pill each morning treats your frequent heartburn so you can enjoy all this great land of ours has to offer like demolition derbies. and drive thru weddings. so if you're one of those people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day block the acid with prilosec otc and don't get heartburn in the first place. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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the heat is coming along with the humidity and it the chance for thunderstorms but these are not drought busters ... much of illinois a is an extreme or severe drought conditions ... we have numbers to underscore this ... we are expecting another heat wave for next week ... we have relatively comfortable humidity with sunshine today but that will be changing ... the
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big story today it's number 26 of 90 degree plus temperatures the most days ever in one season up to this time of year ... we looked at some of the top producers throughout history in 1983 were since 1983 we have had additional 90 degree-days ... it will stay hot ... this season is on target for these warm spells ... out west we are taking a look at the heat wave there ... and we're looking to the gulf states for that moisture ...
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since may 20th may 31st we have not had more than one in gerainttime for today's trivia: we have not had more than 1 in. of rain ... we're looking at the regional temperatures ... the dome of warmth is expanding. there are warnings about wildfires out west and there is big rain down on the gulf coast ...
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there is a lake breeze developing but not enough to cool things down on the lakefront ... it will reach the '70s over the weekend ... it will be dry we have moderate pollen counts ... that will change by monday ... the headline is the warm air ... we expect higher humidity and a couple of thunderstorms ... we may get more than twice the normal amount to rein in the next seven days but that will be hit or mass ... we will have above normal
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temperature readings next week ... we're looking at that pocket of unstable air on the model ... here you can see the moisture down near the gulf that is spreading up our way ... tomorrow night into early saturday morning and saturday during the day will be overcast with scattered thunderstorms ... the heat will be here by next week ... it has been comfortable so far this week relatively speaking because of the low humidity ... but when the dew point gets above 78 that's when things get sticky
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that is expected this weekend ... it does generate some rainfall however. this is not general coverage rainfall we see on the radar over the map ... the highs today will go into the '90s tomorrow into the low 90s ... saturday the same thing ... the real heat will lot can next
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weekock in next week today generous sunshine quite warm relatively low humidity ... we are into the mid '80s low 90s ... tomorrow will be hot and humid and hazy may be widely scattered afternoon thunderstorms ... by tomorrow night half of the metropolitan area should experience some showers ... high
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temperatures will be in the low 90s this weekend and cooler at the beaches ... we need between nine and 15 in. of steady rain falling over a course of days to fix this ... we do not see a break in this drought that's for sure it's time for today's trivia question: if you had taken a minimum wage job in 1960, how much would you have been paid?
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good afternoon here are your midday winning numbers ... here are the winning pick three numbers: 8 1 9 here are the winning pick four numbers: 8 9 47 7
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the mega-millions jackpot is $21 million time for sports. the bulls stayed quiet on the first day of free agency. but they are reportedly trying to trade kyle korver before his option comes up on sunday. meanwhile, the top high school player in the country won't be going to the university of illinois. simeon's jabari parker tweeted his final ten college choices which includ depaul, byu and duke. michigan state and duke are said
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to be the front- runners. the second half of the baseball season starts today, but the cubs and sox are both off. the sox will try to stay in first place, while the cubs are likely shopping their two best pitchers. ten scouts will reportedly be at wrigley on saturday to watch ryan dempster pitch. "cbs sports" reports the dodgers are front- runners to land dempster, but they're also interested in matt garza. blackhawks' broadcaster eddie olczyk will be inducted into the u.s. hockey hall of fame. edzo grew up in palos heights and was drafted by the hawks in 1984. he played for several teams during his 16-year nhl career... he appeared on the u.s. national team nine times, and coached the pittsburgh penguins. olczyk will be inducted along with mike modano and executive lou lamoriello. today's medical watch is next.
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[ female announcer ] with swiffer wetjet cleaning better, doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm going to... drink this... on the
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porch! ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ [ female announcer ] mops can be a hassle but swiffer wetjet's spray cleaner and absorbent pads can clean better in half the time so you don't miss a thing. swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back. and for dry messes big and small try swiffer sweeper vac. in medical watch.. how a gene mutation may help find new drugs to fight alzheimer's. the rare gene mutation protects people against alzheimer's by slowing production of the beta-amyloid protein.. long considered to be a cause of alzheimer's. the latest study of the mutation drives home that targeting beta- amyloid to prevent alzheimer's could still pay off. drugs attempting to clear beta amyloid plaques from the brain have so far failed to reverse the effects of dementia in clinical trials. three new drugs are now in development.. trial results are due later this year.
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experts say a series of new drug trials represent a "turning point" in the aids epidemic. all involve the combination drug "truvada".. already approved to treat the disease.. and all involve healthy but high risk patients. two studies from africa found that the drugs reduced the rate of hiv infection in heterosexual patients by 62 to to 75 percent. a third study of african women at high risk of infection ended early, after the drugs had no effect on hiv rates.. largely because less than 40 percent of the study participants took their pills as instructed. milk isnt the only way to build better bones.. for older women a little vino goes a long way for bone strength. moderate drinking improves bone density according to a new study. oregon state university researchers tested daily drinkers, post menopausal women younger than 65. the women wer asked to abstain from alcohol. when they wree not drinking all measures of bone formation and resorption went down... meaning bones were breaking down and not rebuilding. when they started drinking again 1-2 drinks a day - their
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bone health bounced back. used to look like.. she weighed in at a whopping 67 lbs. her owners left her at an animal shelter because she was too big for them to care for. but since then, mabel's been taking part in "canine fat camp" at the university of tennessee veterinary medical center. she's taken off weight on an underwater treadmill.. her calories have been limited.. and she's been checked for disease and hypertension -- common risks for obese pets. in six months, mabel has lost nearly 30 pounds. she has a facebook page.. she celebrated mardi gras in a parade.. and she's featured in a workout video set to the late
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donna summer's "she works hard for the money". >>all the problems we see with people and obesity translate over to the animals as well dogs and cats and so we can work together ...lunchbreak is next.
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[ female announcer ] letting her home be turned into a training facility? this mom has been doing it for years. she's got bounty. in this lab demo one sheet of new bounty leaves this surface cleaner than two sheets of the leading ordinary brand. bounty. let the spills begin. why let constipation slow you down? try miralax. mirlax works differently than other laxatives. it draws water into your colon to unblock your system naturally. don't wait to feel great. miralax.
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it's time for a lunchbreak... in today's "lunchbreak".... we're making two healthy middle eastern dishes for summer: fattoush salad and grilled chicken. chef sam jabsheh is here from "dawali kitchen" -- they have two chicago locations - one in lincoln park, and the other in albany park. thanks for coming in. >>thank you ... the salad is made with pepper cucumber and tomato ... half cup of lemon juice and olive oil ... along with garlic and sumac powder... this all goes into in the blender and we toss this with the vegetables ... >>do you marinade this or had
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this before you serve? >>you at this before you serve this is how we present this at the restaurant. hummus and babaganoush both dishes are famous at our restaurant ... the chicken is marinated in 1/4 cup of lemon juice 3 tbsp. olive oil 1/4 cup onion paprika oregano salt pepper to taste and replant the marinade and we put that over the chicken for six
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hours ... that is grilled seven minutes each side ... >>so you say to keep the chicken cut up and marinate ... >>you can serve this with the salad or the rice the lemon makes it very tasty and light for the summer it's a great dish ... >>with lots of great protein ... your restaurant has a bring your own beer and wine policy ... what is your favorite dish
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>> tabouleh.... it is a salad made with bulgur wheat and parsley and lemon very healthy and delicious. >>are your customers sometimes intimidated by a the exotic aspect of your cuisine >>they are actually wonderful and adventuress and come to love the dishes we prepare ... sam jabsheh, thanks so much for joining us. dawali kitchen has two chicago locations: at 1625 n halsted street--next to the steppenwolf theater.... and at 4911 north kedzie avenue. if you want to learn more, go to: and for more information on today's recipe or to watch the segment again.. log on to wgn tv dot com slash midday.
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i'm on break sweetheart. [ woman ] you know you don't have to put up with this. those annoying period symptoms. general pain relievers like advil, only treat cramps, but midol has three active ingredients to take care of that... and fatigue and bloating. because you deserve better. and now the answer for today's
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trivia question: if you had taken a minimum wage job in 1960, how much would you have been paid? a. $2.00 b. $1.50 c. $1.00 the answer: c. one dollar! in 1960 you could buy a new car for $2,000... you could get a new home for $20,000. adjusted for inflation minimum wage climed 20% between 1960 and 1965. >>remember the days of gasoline under $1 a gallon ... a long time ago ... >>and you could not by a drop of rain tom skilling ... >>the scope of the dry conditions is amazing this year. it is 89 degrees right now in chicago ... here is what is expected this afternoon temperatures will be in the nineties over a broad area would
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in chicago ... we will be in the low 90s tomorrow and the humidity will come the same thing saturday ... this will last into next week ... we are looking at the local temperatures ... all in the low 80s right now ... look at the grass here in this picture out of buffalo grove ... so many places are so dry. the widely scattered thundershowers will be appearing later in the day for the next
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three days but it is hit or massiss... there is movement on the jet stream it's going north next week we will see another hot air dome here we will have made 90 degree heat ... that's in the 7 day forecast ... expect upper 90s by tuesday of next week thank you so much for joining us today we hope you have a great afternoon


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